When considering a #workplace #bullying #policy there are certain steps which are suggested for consideration:
1. First one needs to distinguish that the bullying incident is either an isolated incident or a repeated behavior. If the incident is isolated then this does not necessarily fall under bullying. 2. Is it the management's responsibility for taking care of a report on workplace bullying? 3. What is the role of the employees in the department when one identifies and reports incidents of workplace bullying? 4. Confirm that all sources involved with, and any content about the incident are kept confidential. 5. Who will investigate the complaint or workplace bullying incident? 6. Describe the specific procedure for resolving the incident. 7. Suggest various ways for resolving the incident and confirm that their resolution will be done quickly and harmlessly. 8. Assess the common risk areas that cause these incidents to occur and present a plan of action for working with such risks so they don't re-occur.
If you would like more information on workplace bullying or our services visit: www.bullyingpreventionconsulting.com or write to me at bullyingpreventionconsulting@gmail.com.
#coaching #stopbullying #workplacebullying #bullyingprevention #bullying #coaching #stopbullying #workplacebullying #toxic #toxicbehavior #bullyingprevention #toxic #bullyingeduc #cyberbullying #stopbullyingnow #antibullying #clarawajngurt #toxicemployee #nurse #college #academia #coporatebullying #discrimination #harassment #humiliation #targeting #abusive #incivility #workplace