Whether you are looking for an executive coach or an executive consultant to facilitate workshops on workplace bullying prevention, Bullying Prevention Consulting can make a difference in improving your life on the job so that you experience a healthy and productive work environment.
When supervisors and managers work together as one team, the success of the organization moves forward. Strong leadership, collaboration and communication will encourage staff and students to work effectively with one another and will help show appreciation for one another.
Bullying Prevention Consulting offers consulting, workshops and individual one on one coaching to help you succeed and adapt to changes in the workplace and throughout educational facilities.
Bullying Prevention Consulting Offers
One on One Consults & Coaching
Talk Shows & Radio
Speaker at Professional Staff Congress Higher Education Officer meeting-'How Does Bullying Manifest Itself in the Workplace October 18, 2018. (PowerPoint Presentation) Click Here
Interviewed by Tina Job Talk Radio Show on Human and Mental Impacts of Bullying
At Bullying Prevention Consulting we can offer individual consults as well as workshops for small or large scale classrooms, including workplace bullying forums for employees as well. It is critical that administration creates a work and educational culture that rejects bullying, promotes reporting and promptly resolves any incidents of bullying.
Clara has written various blogs, newsletters relevant to childhood bullying.
Bullying Prevention Consulting offers consulting, workshops and individual one on one coaching to help you succeed and adapt to changes in the workplace.
No venue too small, we cater to specific needs.
One on One Consulting and Coaching available to help you succeed with issues in the Workplace.
Archived Events
Speaker at Professional Staff Congress Higher Education Officer meeting-'How Does Bullying Manifest Itself in the Workplace October 18, 2018. (PowerPoint Presentation) Click Here
Listen to Dr. Clara Wajngurt in CUTV News Radio as she discusses Workplace Bullying.
CUTV News Radio Spotlights Clara Wajngurt of Bullying Prevention Consulting
Talk Shows
Interviewed by Tina Job Talk Radio Show on Human and Mental Impacts of Bullying
End Bullying Now! Tools for Empowerment In Higher Education
To educate and empower people about workplace bullying in their jobs especially in higher education environments, and to empower them to deal more effectively with colleagues and staff around them.
End Corporate Bullying
Upcoming Presentations
Helping Higher Education Administrators Deal Effectively With Campus Workplace Bullying (to be announced)
Higher Education Administrators and Campus Workplace Bullying (to be announced)