Know Bull! is an online website that discusses the prevalence of workplace bullying in Australia as a serious workplace health and safety issue.
Particularly they have made the following claims via survey:
1. In 2005 WorkCover/Work Safe (ACT) estimated the dollar 'cost' of workplace bullying in Australia to be between $6 billion and $13 billion a year. This includes absenteeism, job turnover, loss of productivity and legal costs. The average cost of a legal claim that deals with mental stress is $41,186 while the average cost for a physical stress claim is $23,441.
2. The Australian Human Rights Commission claims that the cost cited above could be even higher with their online Workplace Bullying fact sheet estimating that 'workplace bullying costs Australian employers between $6-$36 billion dollars every year when hidden and lost opportunity costs (indirect costs for the company) are considered.
3. The existence of the bully-boss- who tends to be in a position of power- is widespread.
An 'active bully' exists in 66.6% of workplaces and is more likely to be a boss. In addition the survey resulted in data that showed 83.3% of these 'bully-bosses' don't act alone-preferring to operate as a bully-group or mob.This shows senior managers and board members who are bosses 'protect one another's backs and subsequently deny the existence of workplace bullying.'
4. This report also claimed that 'bullies receive tacit approval to continue their behavior, with 50% of employers taking no action when a workplace bullying claim is made and a further 12.5% actually promoting such bullying behavior.
It is so expensive to support workplace bullying behavior.
If you would like more information on workplace bullying or our services visit: or write to me at