members. In fact, a climate of mutual respect will be free of any form of any abuse including workplace bullying. However, an unchecked #power #imbalance exists in many organizations and awareness of these issues in every organization must be brought to the forefront. #Bullying is considered abusive conduct when it is #threatening, #humiliating and sabotaging, and it is #psychological #violence when lies are spread about the target ,and the target's reputation is affected.
Leaders set the tone of the workplace climate and supervisors are the most common perpetrators of abuse (Early Career, 2018). Moreover K.A. Amienne recently wrote that 'Abuse thrives in the organizational climate because the co-workers enable it.'
It is time for the leaders of our organizations to work on establishing climates of inclusiveness and Allyship. We need to confront bullying directly by documenting when it occurs, and bullies need to be exposed .The leaders of our organizations need to hold their colleagues who bully accountable and to work on eradicating bullying in their workplaces.
Please consider my services by looking at my website at or write to me at We offer individual consults as well as workshops for small or large scale groups.