It is very important for college athletes to push for more effective mental health care (Chronicle of Higher Education, November 8, 2019). Often when a prospective college athlete looks at an athletic scholarship and sets goals for themselves--and then falls short of these goals--this can cause anxiety and depression after realizing that the original goals may have been unrealistic to start with.
In fact, we need to be open to the following statistics:
Roughly a quarter of college athletes have experienced symptoms of depression in the past three years.
The highest stats were found amongst female athletes who were track and field--38% reported being depressed.
A 2016 study by the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) found that nearly a third of athletes overall, felt 'overwhelmed' the month before, and also felt mentally exhausted from the demands of their sport.
An Active Minds survey found that 91% of high achieving athletes with a 3.4 grade point average or higher felt overwhelmed by everything they did in the past 12 months, but only 12% sought professional help for feeling said, anxious or nervous.
We need more support and mentoring from the colleges and our communities to address mental health issues.

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