The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has developed guidelines for developing a workplace bullying policy (Penny,2017):
Describe relevant legislation on workplace bullying.
State goals and objectives.
What is your definition of what behaviors constitute harassment or bullying.
What are the consequences for violating this policy?
Describe the existing code of conduct for behavior.
Make a distinction between an isolated incident and repeated behavior.
What is management's responsibility for handling such issues?
Who will investigate a complaint of harassment or workplace bullying?
Describe the procedure for resolving complaints.
Do you have a process for informal resolution before a complaint is actually filed?
Are we assured that all allegations of harassment and bullying are confidential?
How does the organizational climate lead to such incidents?
Describe a clear process for conflict resolution.
What about frivolous complaints-how are they resolved?
It would be great if employers had such a process in the United States, but we need official legislation. Step one to confirm this process!
If you would like more information on workplace bullying or our services visit: or write to me at
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