As coronavirus represents a major global health emergency, we find there are marked changes in our workplaces. Not only have many businesses downsized as a result of the increasing unemployment, but workplaces have exhibited, gaps in implementing team projects, an upheaval of workplace policies and procedures, and a lack of the enforcement of workplace missions and goals. This means that a total review of such workplace policies and procedures must be made in light of such pandemic emergencies. As a result, the COVID-19 virus may impact the future of workplaces in the following ways-as managers and essential personnel cope with such strategies (Stahl, 2020):
1. Increase telecommunications work so that colleagues can work effectively from remote locations. Set guidelines for establishing tasks and projects so that these initiatives can be accomplished remotely as well.
2. Update your sick-leave policy to accommodate those who become sick, especially from COVID-19, which can take months to achieve full recovery.
3. There will be more dependence on in-house technologies and less on air travel and other means of transportation, as such travel can increase the spread of coronavirus. Instead of sending employees to out-of-state or off-site areas for training, the same training can be accomplished virtually.
Let's consider such strategies as we start to pick up the pieces in the post-pandemic stages.
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