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Writer's pictureClara Wajngurt

Is Fear The Biggest Factor in Reporting Workplace Bullying?

bullying, workplace, workplacebully, lack of trust, toxic workplace,  overcoming bullying, afraid of speak up, workplace, toxic manager, bystander, upstander, accountability, undergraduate experience,management, virtual, effective communication, stop bullying, ideas to stop bullying, diversity, inclusion, workplace culture, incivility at work, workplace culture
Is Fear The Biggest Factor in Reporting Workplace Bullying?
Recently, I heard a report on the BBC news, back in January 2020 that the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development in London, England claimed that 'a quarter of employees think their company turns a blind eye to workplace bullying and harassment.'

Why are the statistics (25%) so high? Fact: people who are bullied do not even report it to their workplaces or simply do nothing about it.

It is assumed that 'fear is the biggest factor' in reporting workplace bullying, because the bully has singled out a target and the target feels violated. In addition, the target can suffer from stress, anxiety, insomnia among many conditions that paralyze the target emotionally as a result of this bullying.

It takes courage for people to speak up about inappropriate behavior at work, and the problem is that organizations do not have the processes to deal with such issues effectively. Very often people do not know to whom or how to report such incidents.

When a person on the job is being 'undermined or humiliated, criticized constantly or described through unwanted personal remarks, it is important to speak up about such behaviors. Create a procedure for resolving complaints on the job. Research shows that managers who receive training on inappropriate workplace behaviors are more effective  in encouraging healthy workplace relationships.

We need to work on this.


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