What are some tips to overcome bullying (Ditch the Label, 2017):
1. Understand why people bully - Bullying is a learned behavior. Bullying can be a 'coping mechanism' for those going through a stressful situation. This happens when there are deadlines. It is possible other reasons for bullying can include 'jealousy and insecurity' of the target.If you are being bullied understand you are not the problem.
2. Do not get bullied silently-report bullying - When one is in a stressful situation it fogs your thinking.One gets distracted, stressed and unproductive. When a person gets bullied it is important to talk to someone about it for advice.Deal with the stress of being bullied by talking about it.
3. Don't see yourself as the problem - People experience bullying because of their reaction to the one who bullies. One person can appear as a bully to someone and not to another person. The person with the actual problems is the bully not the target.
4. Even if you want to isolate yourself after being bullied do not isolate yourself - In general when resolving a problem one sometimes looks for support. Support will help you deal with the actual bullying and make it easier for you to talk things out.
5. Seek role models - Find positive role models who can inspire you and motivate you.
We must stop bullying now!
Please consider my services by looking at my website at: www.bullyingpreventionconsulting.com or write to me at bullyingpreventionconsulting@gmail.com. We offer individual consults as well as workshops for small or large scale groups.