According to the The Hill and The Washington Post (March 13, 2018), Representative Frank Burns (Democrat of Pennsylvania) is planning to propose a bill regarding parent's responsibility if their child bullies others.
In fact, if the child bullies the first time-- school officials need to take action. If the child bullies a second time-- then the child's parents would be required to take a parenting class.
Now if the child bullies a third or more times then parents would have to pay up to $750 and/or take part in community service.
The idea is to hold parents accountable for their child's bullying behavior. Many parents do not believe their child bullies and it is time to take responsibility.
When bullying amongst children is not addressed, bullying can escalate from insults to victimizing comments on social media, and in some cases - suicide.
This proposal also covers cyberbullying in Pennsylvania. Another proposal that Burns is considering is to have the Pennsylvania Department of Education create a system that would allow bystanders to report bullying anonymously.This proposal would also penalize educators if they fail to report a bullying incident by disciplinary action or suspension.
We must somehow find ways to stop this cycle of bullying in children.
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