We already know that a toxic workplace deals with a h work environment and higher than usual stress levels. In fact, we already realize that toxic work environments do mental and physical damage to those who work in this climate.
How do we know when a workplace crosses the line into toxic? Essentially you come home with internal and personal effects of your job that really aggravate you.
It is one thing to have people at your organization annoy you, but when the negativity at work, and self esteem become diminished, your job comes home with you, you are then feeling aggrieved and lost. This escalates into a problem. You feel disinterested in your job, and can't see any positive aspects of your work.
So you connect with co-workers you trust, and brainstorm with them-how to make your job more tolerable. People whom you trust have an ability to listen to your comments and feelings. As you talk about how to make this job more worthy to you--you begin to regain that appreciation and respect.
Toxicity in the workplace is out and we need to fight it when it comes again!
If you would like more information on workplace bullying or our services visit: www.bullyingpreventionconsulting.com or write to me at bullyingpreventionconsulting@gmail.com.
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