Lately I've been writing about workplace violence and the fact it includes workplace bullying. So here I'd like to present the different definitions of workplace violence in the literature. The one I have seen the most emphasized is that it refers to behaviors which damage psychologically and physically one or more employees on purpose (premeditated) in the workplace (Lewis, 2005).
I have also seen the following as definitions of workplace violence:
1. Attacks and threats against a victim by someone in the workplace (Cooper & Swanson, 2004)
2. Any activity that causes hostility and has physical and psychological adverse effects on the
employees in an organization(Cooper& Swanson, 2004)
3. Al kinds of physical attacks, threatening behavior or abusive words in the workplace (Niosh, 2002)
Just from these definitions we can see how workplace bullying is part of workplace violence--and this must be stopped.
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