If the informal investigation does not resolve the workplace bullying situation, then a more formal investigation is needed here. First you must be proactive and think about doing something about this situation. It cannot be tolerated.
In the case of a formal investigation, an impartial person who is not involved in the details of the situation should be leading this process.
The following steps should be carefully heeded:
1. Your right to representation.
2. Who will conduct the investigation?
3. Familiarize yourself with the steps in place that ensure confidentiality and fairness.
4. Determine the time-frame of this investigation.
5. Determine the possible
outcomes/actions by your employer.
6. Who will receive a copy of your statement about the bullying as well as any other report that comes out of the investigation?
7. That you are entitled to receive a copy of your statement and possibly other reports discussed in the course of this investigation.
By following these steps your investigation should be a success for you!
If you would like more information on workplace bullying or our services visit: www.bullyingpreventionconsulting.com or write to me at bullyingpreventionconsulting@gmail.com.
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