It is sometimes the case that organizations have excellent coworkers who have high potential for - being leaders, mentors and examples for moving their workplaces forward. Often, these coworkers are bullied by their peers, resulting in workplace mobbing. Essentially mobbing refers to repeated and focused efforts that negatively impact a leader in an organization. Sometimes this mobbing is done to encourage the workplace leader to leave the department or organization. Essentially peers in the workplace join forces to ostracize and to marginalize a particular coworker, so that the perceived competition or jealousy which is the result of the coworker's efforts arise.
Targets of mobbing tend to be competent high performers and it has been shown that the groups that are hit the hardest are women and any diverse groups who appear 'different' (Murrell, 2018). We need to develop formal policies that prohibit workplace bullying/workplace mobbing. The workplace climate must have engaged and proactive efforts by its leaders to resist workplace mobbing.
These toxic workplaces need to end.
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